Sepideh Ghanavati

Associate Professor

School Computing and Information Science

University of Maine

Orono, ME, USA

Phone: +1 (207) 581-3218

Email: sepideh[dot]ghanavati[at]


I am an associate professor in Computer Science at the School of Computing and Information Science (SCIS) at the University of Maine and the director of the Privacy Engineering - Regulatory Compliance Lab (PERC_Lab). I am also the faculty affiliate of the Canadian-American Center and a researcher at the University of Maine Artificial Intelligence Initiative (UMaine AI) center. I received 2023 NSF CAREER Award.

My research interests are in the areas of information privacy and security, privacy by design, software engineering, and programming comprehension. I apply my research to several applications such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Android, and iOS applications. The interdisciplinary nature of this research requires me to employ a variety of research methods, including requirements and software engineering, natural language processing, machine learning, deep learning, and empirical human studies.

I am the recipient of the Google Faculty Research Award in 2018 and Google’s Privacy-related Faculty Award in 2021.

For more more about me, check out my Academic CV or About Me page.

Prospective students interested to join PERC_Lab, please check here as well as read through Norms and Policy document. Note that interest in privacy-related topics is a key. Currently, I am not actively recruiting new students. However, I will always look for exceptional candidates that have a research background that matches my research interests.

Find my PGP public key here.

Publication Index

[Google Scholar]   [DBLP]    [IEEE XPlore]

Research Interests

  • Mobile and Internet of Things (IoT) Privacy and Security
  • Usable Privacy
  • Natural Language Understanding
  • Programming Comprehension (Code Summarization/Generation)
  • Privacy by Design
  • Regulatory Compliance Software Engineering
  • Requirements Engineering

Recent News


Our paper “Requirements Satisfiability with In-Context Learning” won RE24 Challenge Award for Research Track.


My collaborators and I presented three papers at RE'24 Conference in Reykjavik, Iceland.


Vijayanta Jain and Sepideh Ghanavati presented our work "Identifying Privacy Behaviors in Android Application Source Code" at Google ASAP Research Seminar.


Our paper "Evaluating Privacy Perceptions, Experience, and Behavior of Software Development Teams" has been accepted at the SOUPS'2024.


Congratulations to Kenzie Young, Sean Radel, Zack Delile, Theo Brucker, Wilder Baldwin and Joe Godinez for graduating with BSc. at UMaine.


Congratulations to Adam Green for graduating with MSc. at UMaine.


Our paper "Patterns of Inquiry in a Community Forum for Legal Compliance with Privacy Law" has been accepted at the ESPRE'2024 workshop.


Our paper "Toward Regulatory Compliance: A few-shot Learning Approach to Extract Processing Activities" has been accepted at the ESPRE'2024 workshop.


Dr. Ghanavati has promoted to the rank of associate professor and received tenure.


Congratulations to Maxwell Prybylo for receiving MSGC Graduate Summer Fellowships for "Perception vs. Reality: Unveiling the Privacy Knowledge Gap Among Software Developers" project.


Our paper "Requirements Satisfiability with In-Context Learning" has been accepted at the RE'2024 conference.


Vijayanta Jain attended FSE for showcasing our Demonstration Paper.


Dr. Ghanavati gave a guest lecture in the Information Privacy Law at UMaine School of Law.


Dr. Ghanavati gave an invited talk at York University in Toronto, Canada.


Dr. Ghanavati attended Leadership in Science Policy Institute (LiSPI) in Washington DC.