Prospective Graduate Students

I am accepting highly motivated PhD and MSc. students interested in privacy research in software engineering in my research group. Note that while we use a lot of concepts from software engineering, deep learning, NLP and Large Language Models to conduct the research and we develop machine learning models and datasets, the research focus is around improving privacy and ensuring applications are privacy preserving. Thus, prospective students need to show interest in privacy-related topics.

Prospective students need to have strong programming knowledge, more specifically python and/or Java as well as good knowledge in natural language processing and deep learning since we leverage and develop deep learning models in our research. Please check the Projects page for information on the available projects.

Interested prospective students should send me a brief email explaining what is their background, what types of research they have done and why they are interested in joining my lab. In addition, they need to send me their CV, the statement of purpose and the link to any of their publications.

If your background matches, I will email them back to set up an interview. If you do not hear from me, it means that your background does not fit my research lab or I do not accept any new students.

Prospective BSc. Students

I am accepting highly motivated BSc. students interested in privacy research in software engineering in my research group. Prospective students need to have some programming knowledge and be willing to work with the graduate students on a project. Please check the Projects page for information on the available projects.

More Information

Please read Norms and Policy document prior to contacting me.

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